Rating System (Teardrops?)

Instead of using stars my Rating System consists of Sparkling Rainbow Unicorn Tears; because they are clearly superior to stars.

Books can get up to 5 SRUTs. The ratings are:

5 SRUTs: This book is excellent.  I would recommend it without reservation as well as being something that I would reread and have on my shelf. Plot, writing, characterization, and overall story are nearly flawless.

4 SRUTs: This book is very good. I would recommend it to fans of the genre and may also reread it in the future.  Plot, writing, characterization, and overall story contained some flaws but nothing that severely distracted from enjoying the book.

3 SRUTs: This book is average. It is worth reading, especially to people who enjoy the subject matter. It is likely not a book I will re read in the future but I do not regret reading it.  Plot, writing, characterization, and overall story have some issues that detracted from the enjoyment of the book.

2 SRUTs: This book is lightly below average. I may recommend it to die-hard fans of the genre but would not re read.  Plot, writing, characterization, and overall story contained some large flaws which significantly impacted my enjoyment.

1 SRUTs: This is a book that I most likely did not enjoy and would not recommend. Plot, writing, characterization, and overall story contained major flaws which were difficult to get past, while it was not bad enough for me to not finish it I will probably avoid the author’s future works.

Did Not Finish (DNF) or 0 SRUTs:  Plot, writing, characterization, and overall story contained many major flaws which significantly led me to be unable to continue reading or made me angry enough to finish reading with a 0 rating.

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