Posts Tagged ‘movie? maybe’

Illustrating Thursdays: Howl’s Moving Castle

Illustrating Thursdays is a new meme Created and Hosted here on I’ll Read Anything Once. Along with reading, one of my great loves is art and illustration. Illustrating Thursdays is made to show off both. Favorite picture books or illustrations from a book, illustrations or art based on a book, or art that reminds you of a book you love are all fair game. Make sure to credit the artists and provide info on the books you choose. If you want to participate please do! Leave a link to your posts in the comments and link us in your post. (we’re working on a widget for everyone to use when they participate in the future).

Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones; first published in 1986.

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Heist Society (plus Uncommon Criminals)

Author: Ally Carter

Publisher: Disney Book Group (Hyperion)

Series: Heist Society  (#1 & 2)

Genre: YA

Rating:  3.5/5 

Recommendation: Ages 13+

**Warning There May Be Spoilers** Since I’m reviewing books 1 and 2 together.

From Goodreads:

(Heist Society)

When Katarina Bishop was three, her parents took her on a trip to the Louvre…to case it. For her seventh birthday, Katarina and her Uncle Eddie traveled to Austria…to steal the crown jewels. When Kat turned fifteen, she planned a con of her own—scamming her way into the best boarding school in the country, determined to leave the family business behind. Unfortunately, leaving “the life” for a normal life proves harder than she’d expected.

(Uncommon Criminals)

Katarina Bishop has worn a lot of labels in her short life. Friend. Niece. Daughter. Thief. But for the last two months she’s simply been known as the girl who ran the crew that robbed the greatest museum in the world. That’s why Kat isn’t surprised when she’s asked to steal the infamous Cleopatra Emerald so it can be returned to its rightful owners.

I loved these books, so much that after I finished the first (I stumbled upon it at a used book store, had never heard of it, and bought it on a whim) I rushed out to get the sequel immediately upon checking Goodreads to see if it was out. I regret nothing.

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