Posts Tagged ‘the replacement’

Review: Imaginary Girls

Author: Nova Ren Suma

Publisher: Dutton Juvenile

Series: n/a

Genre: YA, Mystery, Paranormal, Fantasy

Rating:  3.5/5  

Recommendation: Ages 14+

From Goodreads:

Chloe’s older sister, Ruby, is the girl everyone looks to and longs for, who can’t be captured or caged. When a night with Ruby’s friends goes horribly wrong and Chloe discovers the dead body of her classmate London Hayes left floating in the reservoir, Chloe is sent away from town and away from Ruby.

But Ruby will do anything to get her sister back, and when Chloe returns to town two years later, deadly surprises await. As Chloe flirts with the truth that Ruby has hidden deeply away, the fragile line between life and death is redrawn by the complex bonds of sisterhood.

First of all, how amazing is that cover? It’s gorgeous. I have a lot of feelings about this book.  Not all of them good. This book is one of the most difficult I’ve had to review. It’s an incredibly layered and complex read with lyrical, image heavy writing and a moody atmosphere.

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Waiting on Wednesday: The Space Between

“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights books that we can’t WAIT to be released.

For my first WOW let me tell you about a book I’ve been DYING for. It comes out next week, so I don’t have to wait much longer, but trust me when I say that you should all be surprised that the anticipation hasn’t killed me yet.

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This is Halloween

Halloween is my favorite holiday. Seriously, what’s not to love? Candy, costumes, terrible horror movies that remind you that at least you’re smarter than the people who just got chopped to bits. I like my Halloween like I like my life: spooky, darkly funny, coated in sugar and wearing fabulous shoes.

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